Saturday, January 9, 2010

Kaiba Corporation Virtual Duel System News!

A scenario that I've seen Yesterday, that shall remain unmentioned has led me to realize that KC staff, Admins, and Mods have been pushed into an unfair position.

Admins are at the mercy of the demanding members to change things to their wants and needs. Furthermore, admins get little respect or praise for doing such.

This mostly resolves down to this: If you have an idea for the staff, moderators, or admins, it is suggested that you do it in such a manner.
SUGGEST something.

The staff love and accept suggestions from members, however, it is unfair for you to demand such things from them when they work hard to make the site available and functional to you free of charge, despite hard work, time and effort.

Seto shells out the money for the server alone, he codes the site alone, and the admins and mods do their jobs diligently out of the kindness of their hearts.

If someone has a staff position on this site, it means they have earned it, and they deserve respect, despite what you may think of them. It took me a while to realize this. And I came up with a realization it is disrespectful to undermine a staff members decision on something, simply because you disagree, or feel you have a better solution. They run this site, and if they say or do something, it's law. Don't complain, don't demand an alternative, just deal with it, or leave.

And because such the disrespectful, moronic, self-righteous, jackasses directed to all members.

Disrespecting the Staff and the people Kaiba trust to run the site by his word and command. He said you idiots need to be taught a lesson, and for that lesson the next 3 days will be a wakeup call. He is going to shut down KCVDS for the next 3 days. This is what members deserve for taking for granted the hard work the staff and Kaiba have put into the site.

Click the Link for additional info:


  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, matina.. bangkal.. ulas.. talomo, toriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil.

  2. NICE BLOG! -swito.dodi
